Standing together with those in need

Our Work

The Churches Trust focuses on:

We have three separate goals. 

  1. Identifying, challenging and tackling sectarianism and racism through the delivery of good relations and cohesion programmes;
  2. Recognising the ongoing impact of poverty and disadvantage and supporting people and families in need – tackling social determinants of health inequalities and empowering communities.
  3. Leading from an ACE Aware Trauma Informed perspective whilst embracing cultural humility that will enhance the lives of those whom we work with and support through all our services.

Standing together with those in need


Standing together with those in need.


Our Vision

A cohesive community without discrimination, disadvantage or division where people from all communities and backgrounds can equally contribute.


Our Mission

Utilise the strength and determination of local communities to identify, challenge and tackle the causes and impact of discrimination, disadvantage and division reflecting an ethos of peace, trust, humility and hope which are central to our Christian values.


Our Values

  • Understanding – emphasising the need to understand with compassion before being understood.
  • Networking – recognising the interdependence and connectedness of people from all backgrounds, and build relationships with them.
  • Healing – within and between communities, and of the consequences of disadvantage where people are in need.
  • Equality – delivering fair treatment for all, with everyone able to benefit and contribute equally regardless of background or belief.
  • Ambition – both for the organisation and for the people it wishes to benefit.
  • Respect – for all people and their beliefs, and for the richness of an inter-cultural society.
  • Diversity – working with people from all beliefs and none, celebrating difference.

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