The Community of Homes project started in 2017 and has used many different art forms to explore good relations. 

Community of homes

The Community of Homes project is dedicated to promoting mental health and wellbeing by helping young people gain a clear understanding of mental health and explore practical strategies they can use to support their own wellbeing. Centred around the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing,' we guide young people through relatable and achievable activities they can easily incorporate into daily life. This project is delivered through the engaging medium of art and creativity, making the journey both enjoyable and inspiring.

Community of Homes has been delivered yearly since 2017 to local schools including; St Mary's College, Ardnashee School and College, St Joseph's Boys School, and Lisneal College.

This project is supported by the Public Health Agency through the Clear Project

COH Five Ways Project

In 2022 the Community of Homes Project was delivered in the Faughan and Waterside DEA’s as well as the Moor DEA.
Students from St Mary’s College, Ardnashee School and College, and St Joseph’s College attended the project in our youth space at the Diamond. They worked with artist Sinead Smyth to create a variety of art pieces on the themes of The Five Ways to Wellbeing and diversity. Pupils from St Mary’s and St Joseph’s also completed a level 2 OCN in prejudice and discrimination.

The Faughan group operated out of Eglinton Community Centre and saw 15 young people from across the DEA come together to learn about the Five Ways to Wellbeing and complete an OCN in prejudice and discrimination. This group worked with artist Sinead Crumlish and UV arts to create their art pieces which was exhibited locally for all the communities to see.

Creative Wellbeing Project – A positive response to ‘Lockdown’

Embracing new technology and moving to digital delivery brought new learning, new challenges, and new opportunities for the Community of Homes Project.

The project focused on using creative pathways to explore 6 different themes; Music, rest, self-care, communication, nature and sleep. YouTube videos were made for each theme and included short meditations, art project how-to dos and theme explanations.

All the art pieces created by the young people were collated and put into a book which not only showcased their work but also works from previous years.

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